I have printed a short run of decks privately for a small group of family and friends as a gift, but certainly have no desire to enter into the potential minefield of intellectual property and copyright that making it available to the wider public might involve. I am aware that the deck follows a style which is inseperable from the Penguin brand, and I wouldn't wish to be accused of 'passing off' fro the sake of something that is only intended as a fun diversion. It is in that spirt - simply, of fun and intellectual interest - that I've included the designs on this site.

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Please note that this deck is not available for commercial sale

Like many English people of a certain age, I retain a deep during love for Penguin Books - and particularly for the older editions that my own shelves groan beneath (I personally have hundreds, being an unreformed book hoarder). Penguin has experimented with many different cover styles over the decades, but to me the most successful are still the celebrated Penguin Crime covers from the 1960s: to this day they remain immediately recognisable, and stand as one of the prime examples of great book cover design.

Purley as an exercise in fantasy (rather thanks a commercial venture) I put together a Lenormand deck in the style of these covers, adopting the famous Marber grid layout and colour ways associated with the era. All of the books' titles, authors, and images are complexly imaginary - and incorporate allusions to the images and meanings of the respective Lenormand cards. The authors' names all comprise puns (some obvious, some more obscure) - across many different languages. I realise of course that my own images are but pale imitations of the original masterpieces!

Neil Lovell