12 Jul
The Nijinsky Is Here

Only 25 years in the making!

Neil began the design of this deck way back in 1999, and spent nearly 2 years working on the art work and the overall concept. The Nijinsky was his first serious attempt at designing his own deck, using images of historical figures to create this unique set of cards.

All that remains of all this work is a single CD containing some very poor quality jpeg files, and some print outs on standard printer paper, so this deck sat in a draw for 25 years waiting to see the light of day. Many hours have been spent cleaning up these original images, most likely done in Photoshop 5, the blacks in particular were not as dark as they now appear, making the originals rather grey and washed out. The font was blurry, as the contrast between the black and white wasn't crisp enough, in fact most of the colour edges were undefined and bled into one another.

The style and general content of the images is so unlike any deck that has been produced under the Malpertuis brand, and this has contributed this long period of time in limbo. There has been a mixed reaction to these cards, those who were lucky enough to see and remember them from 1999/2000 were keen to finally see them in print, but the radical move away from the Malpetuis style was not of such keen interest to most people.

It is with this in mind that only 500 copies have been printed thus far, should the deck receive the attention I feel it deserves I will extend the print run.

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